Admission Process

Admission Process

1. The date given for the admission test will not be extended or postponed in any case.

2. The child will only be eligible to sit for the admission test if he/she has registered for the class.

3. At the time of admission the following documents are required.

›› Admission form duly filled and completed.
›› 6 passport size photographs of the child.
›› Undertaking signed by the parent.
›› Photocopy of the original mark sheet of the last examination passed/duly attested.
›› Original Birth certificate from the Municipal Corporation and photo state copy of the same.
›› The S.LC. / T.C. of the school last attended must be handed over at the time of admission.
›› Health Care (Medical Report) from a registered paediatrician on the prescribed form.
›› All formalities of admission should be completed withina week of publication of the result failing which, the seat will be given to another candidates.

4. Answer scripts of the candidates will not be shown.

5. Fees are non-refundable.

6. No concession will be given in the fees or any other charges.

7. Photocopies of the following documents should be submitted alongwith the registration form : i) Birth Certificate ii) Copy of the last report card duly attested iii) Except nursery the other classes will require a T.C./SLC of a recognized or CBSE affiliated school

8. Only those candidates who pass the admission test will be eligible for admission. Incomplete forms without the required documents will not be accepted.

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